Monday, February 18, 2013

Kumihimo – Introduction to Braiding on the Marudai (beginners) with Rosalie Neilson

Exciting Upcoming Workshop
Mark your calendar for the following workshop with Rosalie Neilson.  We are excited that our guild was given a grant from WeGO to help bring someone for a workshop and after many years of talking about it, we are finally able to get one with Rosalie.  Rosalie has spent years studying kumihimo, the wonderful Japanese form of braiding cords.  While many of us do make similar cords on a small disc, the chance to work on the traditional Japanese Marudai does not come about very often.  We are very happy to have this opportunity and thank Weaving Guilds of Oregon for the grant. 

Workshop Information
Kumihimo – Introduction to Braiding on the Marudai (beginners) with Rosalie Neilson
March 9-10
Market of Choice in Corvallis.  (922 Northwest Circle Boulevard #110  Corvallis)  Will will be meeting upstairs, above the deli area.  There is an elevator.
Cost: $50 plus equipment rental and materials (Corvallis Handweaver's and Spinner's Guild members get a $10 discount)
Send $30 deposit check to Barbara Wythes, 7685 NE Todd Drive, Corvallis, OR 97330 

Using traditional Japanese equipment – marudai (a round braiding stand) and tama (weighted spools) -- learn how to make a variety of braids suitable for decorative cording and jewelry.  Using Japanese synthetic fibers which replicate the feel and luster of silk, participants will learn how to set up the braiding stand to create a wide variety of interlacements for 8-element braids -- round, square, flat, and oval in shapes. Two colors will be used for the braid to show different color and weave effects. The workshop will also include a history of Japan through the eyes of a braider showing historical and current trends in Japanese braiding.

Required Equipment: Marudai, 8 weighted spools, counterweight (use a bit less than 50% of the combined weight of eight spools); chopstick or other appropriate stick. Participants may bring their own equipment or rent a marudai and tama from instructor for an additional $10. (Rosalie has enough stands and bobbins for ten people.)

Prerequisites:  None

Materials fee:  Package of synthetic silk =$20-25 (depending on new price list ) plus handouts (print handouts will run approx $5 to $6).

Participants will have the opportunity to purchase packages of synthetic silk following the workshop.

Additional equipment:  Bring pillowcase, notebook and kneeling pillow (if you want to experience braiding in the traditional manner on knees). Otherwise, marudai will be placed on a table for appropriate braiding height.

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