Monday, February 18, 2013

Corvallis Handweavers and Spinners Guild February 2013 meeting

Please join us for the February meeting of the Corvallis Handweaver's and Spinner's Guild, Saturday, February 23, 10am-noon at the Market of Choice meeting room (upstairs over the deli), 922 NW Circle, Corvallis.  We’ll be previewing the beautiful braiding of kumihimo, in anticipation of the upcoming workshop on March 9th and 10th.  (There is still room available in the workshop.  Cost is $50 for non-guild members, $40 for CHSG members, plus material and equipment rental fees. Please contact Barbara Wythes if you are interested in attending.

For this Saturday’s meeting, bring your “show and share” items, news of upcoming events, your current projects, etc.  Hope to see you there!

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